Saturday, 22 April 2017

Quiz Questions - Set #9

Quiz Set 9 - Questions

Round 1: General Knowledge

1.    Charlemagne: The Omens of Death is a heavy metal album, the fourth and final by which esteemed British actor?
2.    While in reality it was developed over time by many scientists and mathematicians, Hero of Alexandria is often credited with the invention of which measuring device?
3.    The Southern Alps are a mountain range located in which country?
4.    Which actor won 3 swimming gold medals at the 1924 Olympic Games, another 2 at the 1928 Games, then went on to play Tarzan in a series of films in the 1930s and 40s?
5.    Which sport is added to the swimming, running and cycling of a triathlon to make it a quadrathlon?
6.    Scott Lang is the real name of which Marvel Comics superhero? He is played by Paul Rudd in the current Marvel Cinematic Universe films.
7.    Camulus was the god of war in the mythology of which people?
8.    What kind of insect is a velvet ant?
9.    What is unique about the McDonalds restaurant in Lindvallen, Sweden?
10.  Which football club is ironically known as “The Old Lady” of Turin?

Round 2: Arts & Literature

1.    Name any completed novel authored by Charlotte Bronte, other than Jane Eyre?
2.    In The Simpsons, Principal Skinner’s prisoner number during the Vietnam War was 24601. Which famous literary character is this a reference to?
3.    What is the last book of the Old Testament of the Bible?
4.    Hasa Diga Eebowai, Turn It Off and Tomorrow is a Latter Day are songs from which musical?
5.    D-503, O-90 and I-330 are the main characters in which 1921 novel, considered one of the grandfathers of the dystopian genre?
6.    Who is the most famous resident of the fictional Island of Sodor, created for a series of books by Reverend W Awdry?
7.    Which is the only Shakespeare play that has the name of an animal in the title, as a distinct word?
8.    Which notoriously violent artist murdered a man named Ranuccio Tomassoni in 1606, in circumstances that have never been fully explained?
9.    Which playwright, a contemporary of Shakespeare, is said to have been killed in a bar brawl in 1593?
10.  The writings of the Bab and of Shoghi Effendi are among the canonical writings of which faith, founded in what is now Iran in 1844?

Round 3: Connections

1.    Which fictional supervillain, created by Sax Rohmer for a series of novels, later filmed, was an archetype of the “Yellow Peril” metaphor?
2.    “The Courtyard of the Old Residency in Munich” is a painting that will never be shown to the public. Who was the artist?
3.    Which flippered marine mammal, common to Arctic regions, has the scientific name odobenus rosmarus?
4.    Which writing implement originated with the Roman stylus, but owes its modern existence to the discovery of a key mineral in Cumbria in 1565?
5.    Which actor starred as Dr Mark Sloan in Diagnosis: Murder between 1993 and 2001?
6.    Which American Civil War general and Senator for Rhode Island became the first president of the National Rifle Association in 1871?
7.    Which experimental American musician described the overall concept of his work as “Project/Object”, which involved lyrics, characters and musical themes recurring throughout different projects?
8.    Which Mexican Revolutionary general, leader of the army known as “Division of the North” and styled “Centaur of the North”, has become known as the Mexican Robin Hood?
9.    Which surrealist painter’s works include The Persistence of Memory and attempted a literary career with the novel Hidden Faces?
10.  Finally, what connects all of the above answers?

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Weekly Roundup, W/E 14/04/2017

I've finally managed to start properly compiling my quizzing data, with a view to conducting proper analysis, and I've come to realise how useful and important these blog posts are. Information I've included in these, but which isn't in the journal in which I record live data, has proven critical to ensuring my records are as complete as possible.

This makes sense really, because I'm a contextual learner. Lists of facts are certainly useful, but I find it more interesting and productive to consider the wider context - in which further facts can be found. The things I learn while verifying and refining my own questions are useful for the same reason. 

That said, I do need to start reducing the length of these posts, because of the time they take to write, so I'll see how I go with that.

Friday, 14 April 2017

Quiz Answers - Set #5

I seem to have somehow neglected to post these! I do apologise.

Quiz Set 5 - Answers

Quiz Questions - Set #8

Welcome to my 8th set of quiz questions! The usual General Knowledge and Connections rounds are joined this week by Science & Nature. Answers will be up in about a week, or on request to anyone who asks! Good luck!

Quiz Set 8 - Questions

Quiz Answers - Set #7

Quiz Set 7 - Answers

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Weekly Roundup W/E 07/04/2017

Quiz #64 - Sunday 2nd April, Turf Tavern Carlisle

The second quarter of the year began this week, and it began with a first for the Carlisle quiz - I joined a team! Well, one other person, the gentleman I met last week who came in second alone. Nice guy, hope I get to join forces with him again sometime! His presence meant we started unusually well on pictures, with 7. I recognised a couple more but couldn't put a name to them.

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Weekly Roundup W/E 31/03/2017

Quiz #59 - Sunday 27th March, Turf Tavern Carlisle

Another week, another set of quizzes, and I was hoping for a good start to the week after last Friday's glory. Despite the endless optimism of the QM, however, it has yet to really happen at this quiz. The reason is clear: it's a quiz that requires a broad and varied knowledge, and my entertainment and picture weaknesses are exposed every week.

To Do List

Last night was my 69th quiz of the year on the 97th day of the year. Including travel time and the paperwork I give myself on top of actually doing the quizzes, this is pretty much a second full time job by now - though one I love despite not really getting paid for it! Like most jobs though there's a lot of admin involved, and I'm pretty far behind on it. Thus I have the following tasks to do this weekend, albeit not in this order:

* Update my Master Data spreadsheet containing my results, which I've largely neglected in favour of my blog, meaning there's currently only 30 quizzes on there, the last one being in the middle of February
* Complete all the supplementary spreadsheets that go with it, like the breakdown of my results by subject, venue and team size, in order that actual analysis can be undertaken
* Actually start doing said analysis, since months 1-3 and quarter 1 are now completed periods that can be assessed in full
* Revisit the possibility of automatically updating the supplemental spreadsheets from the Master Data sheet by means of macros or formulas, in order to reduce the manual work required in future
* Complete my weekly review of last week's quizzes and post it on my blog
* Do my review of this week's quizzes and post that as well
* Write my own quiz for publication next Wednesday - my 8th so far - along with the answer sheet.
* Write the answer sheet for the quiz I published this week so I can send it to anyone who asks in advance of the official posting date
* Transpose all my existing quizzes and their answers into a spreadsheet so that I can easily keep track of the questions/subjects I've used before
* Come up with the concepts at least for several future interesting specialist and connections rounds in order to make writing my future quizzes less time consuming
* Resume my barely-started work on a comprehensive prose report that uses the spreadsheet analysis as its basis. At this stage, things like my methodology, the goals and limitations of the report and my definitions of key aspects like the subjects themselves can all be mapped out.
* Make at least some effort to salvage last year's trainwreck of a Master Data spreadsheet in order that some sort of year-on-year comparative data analysis can be undertaken. The raw data is there, but it's very flawed and its layout is eye-wateringly awful, but with a lot of manual effort I think I can at least make it somewhat useable.

Sitting in in the livingroom in front of the TV probably isn't the best way to actually achieve much of this, but for now there isn't anywhere else, especially as there are no libraries in the area open beyond 3pm. 

Still, I've got plenty of caffeine and snacks, a takeaway will refuel me later, and the Bible that is my main notebook should have everything I need in it. This is going to take a while, so I'd best get to work!