Friday, 7 April 2017

Quiz Answers - Set #6

Quiz Set 6 - Answers

Round 1: General Knowledge

1.    The pirate Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard!
2.    The spiciness of chilli peppers.
3.    Ayers Rock in Australia. Apologies to Jonathan of the Trivial Warfare podcast for denying him the use of this question in last week’s show!
4.    Lucozade, though these days it is considered a soft drink as its health benefits have been proven effectively non-existent. Except for diabetics, as it’s considered a good way of quickly increasing one’s blood sugar. It’s also still widely used by sports people, both amateurs and professionals.
5.    AC/DC
6.    Zaire, which is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
7.    Carlos the Jackal.
8.    The Vatican City, as no women live there. In practice it’s likely to be ever so slightly above 0, but as far as I can tell from official records, it stands.
9.    Monrovia, the capital of Liberia.
10.  A shoe. It’s the small plastic bit on the end of a shoelace.

Round 2: History

1.    The Great Fire of London.
2.    The Battle of Sekigahara. About 150,000 people took to the field between the two sides, but it was over in a single day – arguably the single biggest defining day in Japanese history.
3.    Gavrilo Princip, who belonged to Young Bosnia. The Black Hand were involved in the assassination, but Princip himself wasn’t actually a member of it. Writing these quizzes is a learning experience for me too, as I’d never heard of Young Bosnia before doing this!
4.    Jane Seymour, who died of natural causes related to the birth of the future King Edward VI. She was his favourite wife, and is the one he’s buried beside.
5.    1066, 1483, and 1936. In 1066, Harold II succeeded Edward the Confessor, but was killed by William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings.  In 1483, Edward V, who was one of the Princes in the Tower who disappeared, succeeded Edward IV but was deposed by Richard III. 1936 was the year of the abdication crisis, in which Edward VIII abdicated for an American divorcee. He’d succeeded Edward VII and was followed by George V.
6.    Oliver Cromwell, a massively controversial man who evokes extremely strong opinions across the UK.
7.    Pickles!
8.    Martin Luther.
9.    The JFK assassination.
10.  The 1889 Worlds Fair.

Round 3: Connections

1.    Chintz. The word can also be used nowadays to mean florid in a cheap/vulgar sort of way.
2.    Imp. If a video game has evil creatures in it, imps are probably among them; they’re pranksters with varying levels of malice depending on the work.
3.    Forty. I worded this question very carefully to avoid problems with the connection.
4.    Bees. It’s a fear that I have myself, though I’m worse with wasps, having been stung twice on the neck, once on the upper lip, and once on the finger.
5.    Aegis. It’s another that tends to come up in video games quite often.
6.    Cello.
7.    Fox. He embodies a lot of fox-like cunning, though the imagery is symbolic (apart from the name, which is a literal translation) rather than physical.
8.    Abbott/Abbess. I thought adding “monastery” to the question would have made it too obvious, but either name fits the connection.
9.    Berry. Yes, seriously. In the botanical sense of the word, bananas and aubergines are berries – but strawberries and raspberries are not!
10.  All the answers are spelt in alphabetical order. This may have worked better as a Round 2 with the connection revealed from the start, but it was something I wanted to try and I’ve done it, for better or worse!

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